Saint-Emilion is a charming medieval village surrounded by 7 small villages and the world most famous wineries.
With more than 800 producers, endless landscape of vineyards, beautiful architecture and great monuments, Saint Emilion is one of the top destinations in the south west of France.
It welcomes more than one million visitors each year.

Since December 1999, the Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion has been listed as a "cultural landscape" on the World Heritage list by UNESCO.
Saint Emilion is an easy day trip from Bordeaux:
Explore the countryside and the wineries is 'a must to do' in the region. You can reach 'St Emilion' by train or by car (50mn). You can even book an 'English cab' or a 'sidecar' : such an experience.

The wineries of Saint-Emilion and Pomerol are the most prestigious appellations on the Right Bank of Bordeaux.
Saint-Emilion is surrounded by hundreds of small wineries, both prestigious grand cru classe and charming family estates. The views over the wine countryside are absolutly fantastic.
You want to visit ?
There are almost 800 wineries in St Emilion appellation, how impressive? Let me show you a few of them, not even the most famous,...but still so so enjoyable...

Château de Ferrand is a property classified 'Grand Cru Classe de Saint-Emilion'

Château de Valandraud, Premier Grand Cru Classe de Saint-Emilion

Château Laroque, Grand cru classe, Beaumartin family With its 9 century of history, Laroque is the largest wine property of Saint-Emilion, and at the time, was used as a defensive fort.

The main grapes grown in Saint-Emilion are Merlot and Cabernet Franc. Cabernet Sauvignon and Malbec are often used as well. You want to discover and taste St Emilion Wines?
Keen on travelling with us ??? Get in touch as soon as possible and we will show you the best wineries.
'Book our winecab experience' at or call me at +336 64 92 86 80

A bit of history ? Saint Emilion has been known back to the times of the Romans in century V. Numerous Roman ruins were discovered in all over the appellation.

The religious history begun, in century 9e, with a Benedictine monk called Emilian (originally from Brittany) stopped in the region, while coming back from St jacques de Compostelle.

'Emilian' started to evangelized that place and create a religious community and from this belief was build the monolithic limestone church that is central in the village of St. Emilion.
A lot of very old historical buildings to discover, as their was up to five different religious communities living together in the village in these old times : The Ursuline sisters, The dominicans, The Benedictines, the Augustinians, the Franciscans.
That is in century 12, that the jurade of St. Emilion started to export their wines, through the ‘Garonne river’ towards England and Northern Countrys.

You want to know more about our wine region ? We also organise excursions in Medoc, Margaux, Pauillac, Sauterne or Pessac Leognan. Please ask for you custum tour at or call me at +336 64 92 86 80.